
I'm Eva-Lotta Jansson,

a photojournalist and filmmaker with long international experience, now based in Stockholm.

After returning “home” to Sweden from my latest adventure – about 15 years of storytelling about humanitarian and environmental issues on the African continent – I now also teach storytelling workshops and speak about communication that inspires conservation.

I've also lived and worked as a journalist and photojournalist in England and the United States.

I'm available for assignments & travel, speaking gigs and teaching storytelling workshops. Please get in touch if I can assist you with a project. I'd love to help. 

This site, Eva-LottaJansson.com is the home of my online course offerings, including the REEL Storyteller Lab. I look forward to interacting with you here!

Evalottafilms.com has more links to my video work.

Lottaimage.com was my first site and hosts mainly my photography, including more work from (South) Africa.